Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

This is the series of essays written by learners who were adressing different topics. The profile will also be included at the end of the essay.
TOPIC 2: Many people of our struggle heroes viewed the ability to read write as window to self development but also a stepping platform seeking an advancement of opportunities to fight the apartheid government through literacy education. How can technology be used for the youth of today to mobilise and encourage them read and write and a basic tool that can/should be used for the development of themselves and their communities.

 Technology is a tool that plays a very important role in improving people’s lives. Technology as defined in Britannica Encyclopaedia is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical tasks with the aim of improving human life. Using technology in education for the purpose of improving life could be a positive step. I sometimes wonder how Sol Plaatje and Steve Biko would use technology to promote social cohesion if they were still alive today!

Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje was born on the 9th of October 1876 and died 19 June 1932. He was a South African intellectual, journalist, linguist, politician, translator, and writer. As an activist and politician he spent much of his life in the struggle for the enfranchisement and liberation of African people. He was a founder member and first General Secretary of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), which would later become the African National Congress (ANC). As a member of an SANNC deputation he would travel to England to protest the 1913 Native Land Act, and later to Canada and the United States where he met Marcus Garvey and W. E. B. Du Bois. While he grew up speaking the Tswana language, Plaatje would become a polyglot. Fluent in at least seven languages, he worked as a court interpreter during the Siege of Mafikeng, and translated works of William Shakespeare into Tswana. His talent for language would lead to a career in journalism and writing. He was editor and part-owner of Koranta ea Becoana (Bechuana Gazette) in Mafikeng, and in Kimberley Tsala ea Becoana (Bechuana Friend) and Tsala ea Batho (The Friend of the People). Plaatje was the first black South African to write a novel in English - Mhudi. Plaatje wrote the novel in 1919, but it was only published in 1930. In 1928 the Zulu writer R.R.R. Dhlomo published an English-language novel, entitled 'An African Tragedy', at the missionary Lovedale Press, in Alice. This makes Dhlomo's novel the first published black South African novel in English, even though Plaatje's 'Mhudi' had been written first. He also wrote Native Life in South Africa, which Neil Parsons describes as "one of the most remarkable books on Africa by one of the continent's most remarkable writers"; and Boer War Diary that was first published 40 years after his death. His life was therefore based on promoting social cohesion. Plaatje

Stephen Biko (18 December 1946 – 12 September 1977) was an anti-apartheid activist in South Africa in the 1960s and 1970s. A student leader who  later founded the Black Consciousness Movement which would empower and mobilize much of the urban black population. Since his death in police custody, he has been called a martyr of the anti-apartheid movement. While living, his writings and activism attempted to empower black people, and he was famous for his slogan “black is beautiful”, which he described as meaning: “man, you are okay as you are, begin to look upon yourself as a human being”. Most youth were inspired by his ideologies in the 1976 uprisings. Like Kalushi Mahlangu he is one of the celebrated martyrs. His was to promote better life for his people, especially the black nation. biko

Leaders of the past have inspired us but the improvement of education today remain in our hands as young people to come up with strategies and tactics which will place education at a proper and rightful place. The challenging process of education today is in a demanding need for solutions on how technology might assist in the transformation or betterment of education. Technology can play a vital role in improving education system in South Africa.

In the classroom it can mobilize and encourage learners to read and write and moreover to allow them to be more active with the opportunities brought about by communication and information technology. Technology that comes with the newly invented gadgets such as cell phones, computers, iPads etc can help in the self development of individuals since young persons in our respective communities want to associate themselves with these new technological gadgets. Poverty and illiteracy will decrease as a result. The introduction of computers as a learning tool can better prepare youth for their brighter future and increase achievements in many ways. It is for this reason that I believe that computers can be a great facilitator in the process for better and quality education e.g. as learners we download complicated science experiments and watch educational programs on television presented by specialists.   

My greater interest in researching this topic made me realized that the information is interesting and make me view an approach to education in a different perspective.  The study shows that with adequate teacher preparations technology can greatly improve many aspects of the classroom and learner performance. Technology promotes independence and team work in addressing fundamental issues of education. In this way, great leaders of tomorrow can be produced with a powerful knowledge to fight the apartheid legacy of poverty, illiteracy and lack of skills that are relevant to the economic development of our country.

Technology in education can further give opportunities to both teachers and learners to learn from a broader perspective and learn other skills which will enhance their social cohesion. This is evident in the words of Malcolm X that, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”

Technology can be a ‘force multiplier’ for educators. An old approach that the teachers are the only source of help in the classroom has come to an end, learners today can access educational websites, online tutorials and that will further assist them. Education will not stop at the end of the school day but it becomes an ongoing thing even in the public transport such as taxis and trains one can browse on the small gadgets such as phones. We have access to teachers on television after school and we download resources on the internet.

Money is always an issue in education and technology can assist greatly in that regard. Electronic forms are used instead of papers; e-mail instead of memos; visual labs; electronic textbooks and thousands of free online resources can save schools money and give learners excellent educational experiences.

Before the ink in my pen runs dry I would love to conclude by suggesting that the ability to read and write can be encouraged by the introduction of technology in the classroom. More money and thoughts should be invested in implementing technology into the education system. In this way, advanced opportunities to fight the apartheid legacy left for us will be revolutionarily transformed. The people who receive better and quality education are the people who enjoy a better life. So if we want better life for all as advocated by the African National Congress we must start seriously integrating technology into the education system. That is the only way we can start to promote social cohesion. Social cohesion starts with quality education.



I am Raudinah Balele, an 18 year-old female grade 11 learners at Eqinisweni Secondary School. I live in Ivory Park extension 2. I attended my primary school at P.S Tsosane. I live with my mother and siblings; 16 years old boy and 14 years old girl.  I am the member of Peers with Realistic Objectives, an organization which promote positive poetry, drama and dances. I was a perfect at primary and was awarded as “A Best Learner in all learning Areas” in grade 7 (2008) and the best learner in business economics grade 10 (2011) and scooped three first term academic awards this year. I was nominated by I-Source Youth Organization for home language (Xitsonga), English and Business Studies in 2012. I am the cast member of the movie called “Heartless Fools”. I play Khanyisa. I am a mentor of grade 9 learners for Mathematics, given this position by Dr Fami from Wits University. I wish to pursue my studies with Wits University after my matric. I want to be a very successful Bank manager.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

This time around the blog will be updated almost every week. Those who want their pictures to be posted or articles to be published must send them to

Is cheating a new science or art of life?
Writes Enock wa Shishenge

*Disclaimer:- this article’s aim is not to plant distrust, mistrust and disloyalty between partners, but to scrutinize lifestyles of men and women in relationships. The content is bit heavier. You consume it at your own risk.

How many people never cheated? If you have never cheated stop reading this. Be warned: - never say never. Most of you will be enlightened after reading this article because it will uncover the untold truths as if I am talking about you and your partners. But “a ti relax tingwenya” - it’s a reality of life. I am aware that these opinions might be regarded as the paralysis of analysis by ‘those’ - but what I like is that the light shall be shared.

There is a new saying that goes like: “Every woman has a potential of cheating but almost every man is a cheater”. It’s easy for a man to be caught when he cheats than it is for a woman. The reason is women are able to forgive – a woman can find you on top of another woman and still forgives you. How simple is that? It happened in the past and it still happens today. Women are creations of special type. If a man finds out that his partner cheats it becomes the end of her or the relationship. That is the spark of much domestic violence we hear and read about in our main stream media. But if a man finds out he gets out of mind and becomes so mad. These are pure facts. Men close all the doors of their ears once they find a woman in such a situation.

Cheating means to behave dishonestly or have sex with someone who is not your partner, husband or wife –how many times have you behaved in such a way? To behave dishonestly may also mean not to tell your partner certain things such as that you still keep contact with your ex without their knowledge; kissing someone at a party; admiring his/her friend; giving an opposite stranger your cell phone numbers etc. Today there are so many new arts of cheating which have plundered so many relationships into the deep abyss. The revolution of technology and social media in particular exacerbated cheating in relationships.

If there is a person who can attest to the fact that every woman has potential to cheat is me with the experience I have with ekasi lifestyle – and if there is another person who can further attest that almost every man cheats is still me with the contact I have kept with friends and foes ekasi. People cheat for different reasons: - they cheat because they are not happy in their relationships – though there is no such a thing as 100% happiness in relationships; some cheat for the love of money; others cheat with people in positions of power; and some are just whores or cassonovers. Are you able to identify the reason that might lead your partner to cheat? If not uzo limala!

Social media such as WHAT’S UP, FACEBOOK, MIXIT, etc. are, at times, the root cause of cheating. What feeling do you have when your partner is always on WHAT’S UP? When you ask her/him - what are you laughing at? Do you ever expect an honest answer? Never. So don’t even bother to ask. We have heard people saying: ‘I am talking to Portia while it’s John’. ‘I am talking to Jack while it’s Rose’.Once you inbox problems on FACEBOOK or text them on WHAT’S UP or any other social media the scavengers will always have a way to pretend empathetic, especially with women who seem to be so vulnerable. I have seen so many women engaging in sexual cheating because they needed a shoulder to cry on and it’s very rare not to find a man who is not available to assist in that regard.

I have seen and heard of so many people cheating at work places as a result of power relations; I have seen worse situations at the churches; I have seen and heard of wives cheating with plumbers, builders, painters, gardeners whilst husbands were away; I have seen and heard of husbands who cheat with maidens, colleagues, neighbours whilst their wives were not there and I know of untrustworthy friends who smile with you while they sleep with your wife or husband ekasi. Is this thing a natural thing– to cheat?

*Read her/his speeches; what s/he says tells you a lot; what s/he does means a lot; read her/his lips – and ask simple questions and listen to answers you will get the truths. No matter how a person can cheat on you never think of taking her/his life - just move on with your life. Killing your partner for cheating should be the thing of the past because everyone is potential cheater. That’s life. I vutominyana bya kona - hi ta ku yini?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Indigenous Languages still not taken serious in this post liberation era...
It's very painful to learn that the indigenous languages are not taken serious irrespective of the provision in the constitution that they will be respected and developed. As I speak there are schools that do not have textbooks for learners, especially for indigenous languages in Gauteng. And remember according to CAPS all learners are supposed to have textbooks to facilitate teaching and learning.
Last year in the same province Xitsonga got 1 distinction in grade 12; Tshivenda 2 and Sepedi none in the whole province. This is so because of the lack of support for indigenous languages. Schools give preferences to Maths and Science on the expense of indigenous languages and subjects such as History.
All these happen at the time when our dear minister of basic education is preparing to put expensive systems at schools to police teachers. But at the same time the sizes of the classes and the facilities at schools leave nothing to be desired. We still have schools where learners are 65 in class. I feel for poor teachers. But our honourable minister without proper research is directing the monies which would be directed for a good cause to something very unnecessary. Are we gonna get an education system right under comrade Angie? As long as we don't stop to politicise education we are not gonna get the education of an African child right. Let's wake up South Africans and do our numbers with timing and correctly so.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

We start a year with a sad note as a result of so many deaths registered in South African roads. Some people who passed on were sole providers at home; some were very good at the work they were doing; some have just started registering successes; some have just bought their cars; some have just died because the taxis they were in were not in good condition; some died because someone was drunk; and others died because they were sick - but there is no death that can be appreciated. Below is the poem which goes out there to everyone as the tribute.

This Festive… [Tribute to all who lost their lives]

This festive season
Another lamp has been blown off;
There is a candle that can no longer provide light;
The sun that has been extinguished;
The moon that got hidden by the darkest cloud;
The final whistle has been blown;
To mark the end of another journey;
There is a soul that has been laid to rest
This festive season
Better arrive alive
Speed kills zimphitshtji zam’
We still need you ekasi lam'